Happy Earth Day!!! The sun is shining and the trees are all in blossom. Springtime is so beautiful and makes me feel so fresh and alive! They cut the grass around my office today. It smelled so good out there. Glad I have huge windows to look out at the fantastic scene while I work the day away!
Disneyland Love
This year we went to Disneyland as a family for the first time ever! Jack was 6 and Ko was almost 2 when we went in early March. It was ridiculously magical! I am more than a bit of a planner. So before we even bought tickets I went on Amazon and found these sweet beauties! Jack has ADHD and Ko is a toddler so having my kids on leashes is a total sanity saver for me! I tested them out the day they arrived and both kids thought it was the best! They could run around our house and have me follow them everywhere! My kids are still in the golden age where they want to be around me 24/7! These specific "anti-lost wrist links" are great because the child wrist band has a double velcro feature that makes getting them off quite complicated for a child yet easy enough for an adult to take off quickly if necessary. We stayed at the Castle Inn and Suites. We booked through Travelocity and found a great deal there. We purc...
you make me want to come visit! maybe even work there! tell the boss man to hired me!$18hr yes please!